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The Technique of Violinmaking- The Video

By H. S. Wake

A video set consisting of four DVDs

Total time: approximately seven hours


The videos show Mr. Wake making an instrument and discussing the methods used.  Some of the many topics covered are as follows:


DVD No.1: 

1.  Making the mold

2.  Forming the ribs

3.  The linings

4.  The top plate

DVD No. 2:

1.  Top plate edging, arching and thickness

2.  Gluing the two halves of the top plate

3.  Cutting the cavities

4.  Preparing for the purfling

5.  Cutting the "F" holes

DVD No. 3:

1.  Bassbar layout

2.  Gluing the back plates, plate thickness

3.  Neck block patterns

4.  Scroll and pegbox

5.  Fitting the fingerboard, saddle, soundpost, bridge

DVD No. 4:

1.        Discussion on varnish, varnishing, glazing and pigments

2.        Using the sealer, not a stain

3.        Applying first coat of clear varnish

4.        Application of first pigment, blending, shading

5.        Clear varnish over the color

6.        Finishing the neck, French polish

7.        Corrections  



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